How Infor ERP will put you at the forefront of innovation

Over the ERP and business software series that we have delivered to you, we have continuously told the story of how enterprise resource planning (ERP) software can be used to optimize workflows and strengthen an enterprise’s bottom line. However, you ought to note that all work done can only yield just a little if you are using the wrong product. So, you may ask, which is the right one?  

With Infor ERP software, you can be sure to attain continuous development, growth, and bottom-line goals when you replace or integrate your outdated systems. Infor will provide your company with a cost-effective solution it needs to see real results. How does it do this? Let’s get into the details!

Stability and Scalability

You need to note that a one-size-fits-all solution doesn’t address your organization’s specific needs. It is for this reason that you should get an ERP system that evolves with your company’s growth. This allows you to make relevant changes to your software to match your demand and the trajectory of your company’s development.

Infor provides stability and competency in the manufacturing and distribution industries. It is equipped with highly adaptable products. The wide variety of industry-specific software is tailor-made to fit your business and grow as you do. Additionally, your Infor ERP software will help you respond to industry trends and market changes, allowing you to achieve a competitive advantage.


If you are spending more on upgrades and enhancements than you should, you will most definitely not make much from your ERP. Infor is a more cost-effective option than other ERP software. It doesn’t charge for add-on modules or improvements made to their system.

As other ERP providers require their customers to pay for additional modules and system improvements on top of their costly, monthly maintenance fees, Infor includes those features. Choosing ERP software that is more cost-effective will keep you from losing money unnecessarily, allowing you to continuously increase your bottom line.

Streamline Your Business with Infor ERP

A strong, comprehensive ERP solution allows your company to be at the forefront of growth and innovation. Infor’s robust ERP system streamlines scheduling and planning, so you can increase productivity in all your departments. Additionally, Infor ERP solves pain points including data silos and production roadblocks, so your business can focus on organizational growth and customers.

Need Infor ERP for your business?

If you are interested in finding out more about Infor ERP, call us on +256414665846 (Uganda) or +254202305051 (Kenya) or email and one of our Business Software Consultants will be more than happy to have a chat with you regarding this.

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