Infor launches new Interoperability Solution for Healthcare Industry

Infor, the industry cloud company, today announced its FHIR Server, the company’s vision for helping healthcare organizations better leverage and analyze their data. Built on the latest web technologies, Infor FHIR Server is one of the most advanced, modern, and scalable FHIR servers commercially available.

With this new application, organizations can extend their electronic health records (EHR) and clinical systems’ Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resource (FHIR) and application programming interface (API) capabilities beyond their current limited support, streamline care coordination by providing needed information to providers and patients, and expedite their organization’s digital transformation while utilizing existing clinical systems connected to an innovative FHIR-based ecosystem.

Healthcare data today is siloed in legacy systems that lack connectivity to innovative healthcare solutions. Infor’s FHIR Server is built on the HL7 FHIR standard and makes data available using the modern API to store and exchange data. The new solution allows healthcare organizations to take advantage of today’s digital innovations and engagement by enabling users to use FHIR the way they choose.

This also includes regionalized support since HL7 FHIR is an international standard that is meant to be customized at regional levels. Individual regions can customize their own needs of FHIR through implementation guides, which include profiles and extensions.

And, implementation guides, such as DaVinci and US Core, are preloaded. Infor Cloverleaf FHIR Server also has other features such as SMART on FHIR support, data provenance, audit logging, and encryption capabilities included by default.

Infor differentiates itself by continuing to build out a suite of products focused on the new FHIR standard, with the FHIR Server being the latest addition. Together this suite provides comprehensive exposure of legacy data in a modern way with Infor FHIR Bridge translating legacy data to FHIR through prebuilt mappings, Infor Cloverleaf FHIR Server storing FHIR data for modern app consumption, and Infor API Gateway securing the perimeter and orchestrating app usage.

Infor Healthcare solutions move beyond inflexible packaged software by leveraging new technologies, such as social networking, cloud computing, and big data, to deliver connected, user-focused solutions that provide capabilities that are collaborative and intuitive for users. Specifically, the Infor Cloverleaf Integration Suite delivers a cost-effective solution for healthcare organizations to realize better healthcare delivery, care coordination, and patient engagement through digital innovation, contributing to better outcomes for the healthcare organization of the future.

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